A large whale has washed ashore in San Diego.
For the general public, that’s a bummer. A huge, multi-ton problem. But for the surfing population? This could spell disaster. An over 50-foot whale in San Diego near some very popular surf spots? Oh god, it’s San Onofre all over again.
The whale washed ashore in Pacific Beach over the weekend. Here’s the report frpom local news Fox 5:
“Hundreds of people were on the beach earlier today watching the whole situation unfold.
“We don’t know exactly when the whale washed ashore or how it died, but here’s what we do know: It was a young female fin whale. It was 52 feet long. After hours of work crews were finally able to roll it back into the water.”
A massive crowd formed on the beach to watch the spectacle.
“We thought it was a tarp!” said one surfer on the sand. “Eventually we realized it was a whale, and I’ve never seen anything like it.”
“I’ve lived here for seven years, and I’ve never seen anything like this!” said another.
A spokesperson from NOAA said:
“We did an examination of the whale externally to look for signs of human interaction. It did not look like this whale died from humans. There was evidence from sharks, like rake marks, that would have killed this whale.”
First, sharks killed this whale; now it’s scent is going to attract more sharks.
Good luck, San Diego. Stay safe.
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