Unless you’re surfing in Lemoore, CA, Waco, Texas, or one of the other publicly available wave pools around the world, chances are that you’re sharing the lineup with sharks.
No surprise there.
However, in the clip above, YouTuber Dan Harmon decided to curate a comprehensive list of the “sharkiest” surf spots in the world, using hard data from the last decade.
“I just spent the past week diving into shark attack data from around the world,” says Harmon in the description with this clip. “So, based on the numbers, these are the “sharkiest” surf destinations in the world. It’s a fascinating and terrifying topic in surfing and one that’s always in our minds, depending on where you live. Stick around to the end of this one, where I break down what can be done about sharks when you’re surfing. I’m no shark expert but I find the subject fascinating, so please don’t take any advice on this too literally.”
Click play above for the 8 worldwide areas that made Harmon’s list. While the spots themselves might not surprise you, the data around attacks vs fatalities, the species responsible, prevention myths, etc, is worth the watch.
Before you click play, can you guess the place that has over 200 recorded attacks in the last 10 years?
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