After a series of recent shark attacks, Australian officials are desperate for a way to protect oceangoers.
South Australia alone was home to six shark attacks in the last six months—including three fatalities—and the Land Down Under is desperate for a solution.
While one Aussie mayor proposed targeting and killing sharks, the latest attempt to protect surfers and swimmers is testing the water for shark DNA to detect if men in gray suits are nearby.
Sky News Australia captioned the video above:
“A test could soon be developed that would tell lifesavers if sharks are present in the water at Australia’s beaches.
“It works by measuring by measuring the DNA from skin shed by sharks as they swim.
“Testing is being carried out in shark attack hot spots. Scientists say the test has already been successful in identifying DNA in the water more than 200 metres from where a shark has been spotted.
“It is hoped lifeguards could test the water daily and set up an alert that warns of the presence of sharks, similar to bushfire danger signs.”
Sound legit? Press play above for details.
Viewers were skeptical, to say the least. Check out a few of their comments below:
“Sharks live in the ocean, probably safest to assume sharks are present.”
“Sharks are always present in the water everywhere.”
“It sounds a little. I think the science is there but the accuracy of the test, and the chances of missing the DNA is fairly high.”
And then someone had a different suggestion:
“Pay big bucks for some psychics…. that’s the way!”
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