When it comes to mingling with sea creatures, surfers have been getting lucky.
While shark encounters seem to be the most common kind of surfer and sea life meet-cutes, various other animals have been crossing paths with surfers.
Just days ago, epic footage of a huge gray whale cruising by surfers in California crossed our screens. We’ve also seen a surfer slam right into a manta ray, another one who paddled through a pod of killer whales, a dog who surfed with dolphins, a sea lion that dominated a surf contest, and another one who hitched a ride on a jetski at Mavericks.
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Our latest surfer and sea creature footage above was captured and shared by @marcsbaywatch on his Instagram page. Captioning it, he wrote:
“Special moments for these lucky surfers!”
The clip shows a glassy day at Byron Bay in Australia. A longboarder catches a right and the dolphins first ride the wave right behind the surfer, before shooting farther down the line and riding the wave in, right in front of the surfer.
In another post celebrating the original clip, Marcs Bay Watch wrote:
“Thank you all for the views, likes and love received on this video I posted last week.
“A 15-second video showcasing the beauty of nature and our Byron Bay.
“We live in such a beautiful part of the world and everyday little surprises like this just put a smile on your face. Thank you for all the love.
“2.4 million views on TikTok, 540k views on Instagram, 32k views on Facebook”
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