Wave pools have become an easy, luxury version of a surf trip and they’re popping up all over the world.
Arizona’s getting its first next spring, and wave pool giant Aventuur is bringing them to 11 more destinations in the United States and Mexico.
Pro surfers are attached to them too. Kelly Slater’s got the Surf Ranch in California and Surf Abu Dhabi across the pond. Kalani Robb and Cheyne Magnusson are opening the doors to the Palm Springs Surf Club on New Year’s Day.
And it looks like a new wave pool’s coming to Orlando, Florida.
Yesterday, WKMG posted the story above, captioning it:
“Orlando Surf Park to begin development, featuring patented wave technology.”
According to the story, Orlando Surf Park will have a “wave pool, volleyball courts, tiki bars, and a surf shop.”
It added that the wave pool will “feature patented wave technology that will let surfers have options to either train, compete, or surf recreationally.”
Developers say the wave pool is designed to accommodate professional surfers too. The technology is completely solar-powered and can produce an “artificial reef” effect.
The Orlando Weekly had additional details and reported that it will have a “13-acre pool surrounded by an artificial beach and other features. The pool is set to be 14 feet deep and hold up to 35 million gallons of water.”
According to the story, developers are planning to meet next Monday about moving forward.
At this time, there’s no word on when the wave pool is expected to open to the public.
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