The average daily temperature in Abu Dhabi from May to September is 98°F. It’s fair to guess that the WSL longboard surfers couldn’t wait to jump in the pool today, and not just for the 500-meter-long wave going left and right.
Set amid a backdrop of skyscrapers, a clear desert sunset and glistening tubes, the WSL 2024 Longboard Tour kicked off its third event of the year at a United Arab Emirates wavepool on September 27. The title sponsor of the event is the pool’s owner, Modon Properties, a UAE state-owned real estate development company.
Related: 20 Years in the Making, Kelly Slater’s Abu Dhabi Wave Pool Is A Tech Marvel
The pool is powered by the same tech as Kelly Slater’s Surf Ranch (which the WSL licenses), except it’s bigger and filled with saltwater instead of freshwater. While Kelly’s pool has received criticism from many a surf fan as a competitive venue on the Championship Tour, there’s an emerging consensus that it’s a great showcase for longboarding, as it gives surfers time to noseride and showcase aesthetic as well as high-level technique.
Longboard competitions don’t need pumping waves to be interesting, just waist to shoulder high and time on the nose. All of that is present in full on Hudayriat Island. Enjoy photos from the men’s opening round heats (including the night session) by scrolling below.

Beatriz Ryder/WSL