Mason Ho had a great year surfing all over the world and back home on the North Shore.
Last summer, he was spotted ripping perfect waves all over Indonesia from Lombok’s Desert Point to Padang Padang in Bali. He also scored an invite to an exclusive contest in the Maldives and teamed up with his sister, Coco, to compete in France in Quiksilver’s Surf Festival. He even got a sneak peek at Kalani Robb’s Palm Springs Surf Club.
Back home on Oahu, he kissed rocks surfing the North Shore and scored huge Waimea Bay on Black Friday with his surf legend dad, Michael. He regularly free surfs with Sheldon Paishon and is currently competing in Da Hui’s Backdoor Shootout on team Snapt5.
Ho & Pringle Productions’ edit above is a highlight reel of Mason’s best surfing from last year.
According to the caption, the 35-minute long video is simply “the best of the best,” and features surfing from Hawaii, Australia, Indonesia, Maldives, France, Tahiti and California.
Mason seems to have his own following and as usual, his viewers were stoked.
Check out a few of their comments below:
“Had the hardest time looking away couldn’t stop watching it”
“This guy is a true soul surfer legend”
“Mason is one with the ocean….one with the wave….and it’s pure magic to watch.”
According to the comment below, Mason inspiring New Year’s resolutions:
“My new year’s resolution is to surf more like Mason”
Press play above for some serious surfing inspo for 2024.
Happy New Year everyone.
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