North Shore beaches have been patrolled by cops on quads for years.
Considering the amount of theft on the North Shore, it makes sense.
But over the weekend, Honolulu Police Department officers actually put local children in danger.
Kahea Hart, former pro surfer and founder of Hawaii Surf and Performance posted the video above Saturday morning.
It shows two young girls playing in the sand with adults nearby.
Three HPD officers on quads approach. One races around the girls, nearly hitting one.
Hart narrates:
“These two little girls are lying on the beach, no clue to what’s behind them.”
He says the cop could’ve “taken a different line” and gone slowly around them.
“Instead, she decides to gun it and comes within two feet of these children,” he says.
He continues:
“It was pretty heavy, and she was going at a very fast pace.
“She’s two feet from the little girl going 20 miles an hour. If that little girl had gotten up and decided to run up the beach all of a sudden, she would’ve run the girl over and probably killed her.”
The girl’s mother emerges from the water hysterically, the surfers are irate, and the officer apologizes.
“We were all yelling at her that she almost hit the kids,” Hart says.
Surprisingly, he’s very understanding, saying:
“She feels very bad, I actually felt pretty bad for her too.”
Hart adds:
“I’ve seen this more than once, the police are out of their element on the beach.”
In the caption, he says he’s going to take it to the neighborhood board.
Rather than blaming it on the officer, he sums it up to a lack of training:
“I felt very sorry for this officer clearly out of her element not enough training and experience on the machine or in the sand was done prior to the situation. I would not like her to lose her job, but a lot more time needs to be spent training a lot more time needs to be spent wisely with our taxpayer’s money.”
Read the caption and comments for details.
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