A pair of skinny-dippers found themselves in a bit of trouble last week, while swimming at Alexandria Bay in Noosa National Park in Queensland, Australia.
They were caught in a riptide, being swept out to sea. That’s when off-duty Argentinian lifeguard Micaela Guacci noticed them, and hopped into action.
Helping her out, two fine surfing brothers, Kaiden and Landen Smales.
“I started swimming out and there were a lot of waves,” Guacci told ABC. “They were quite far out so I wasn’t making much progress. The woman was screaming. She was very scared. She kept saying, ‘I can’t do it.’ I kept saying, ‘please keep trying, we can do it.’”
Then, the Smales brothers saw what was happening, and they grabbed their boards to paddle out and help.
“It was a bit of a cardio workout, but we were willing to do anything to save a couple of people’s lives,” Kaiden said. “There was a really gnarly rip … The water was pretty treacherous, so they got sucked pretty far out to sea. It honestly didn’t surprise me … you could easily drown in that particular spot.”
As for the nude part, it was a bit shocking; but the lifesaving aspect took precedence.
“[They] didn’t have any clothes on,” Kaiden continued. “I was a bit caught off guard. It’s quite popular for nude swimmers, but in that moment that’s definitely not what I was thinking.”
Everyone made it out alive, and the two nude swimmers received oxygen from paramedics who were on the sand once the dust settled.
As for the Smales brothers, they rip; Kaiden, more of the longboard variety, and Landen more shortboard. Here’s a clip of the latter from last year:
‘Coupla heroes.
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