Car chases in LA are not common, but they’re not uncommon either.
However, for a high-speed car chase to end in the ocean, and particularly at a spot that is frequently surfed by Angelenos – that’s pretty unusual.
But on Sunday night, that’s exactly what happened.
Video footage captured by Surfline cameras show a BMW speeding onto the sand, then crashing into the ocean on the southside of Venice Beach Pier, on Sunday night.
According to reports, the driver was a woman fleeing the cops. She was suspected to be intoxicated during the incident. And when she hit the ocean, she kept going.
“A lady was running from the cops,” narrated an onlooker on the scene in the video below, “and she jumped out of her car after she drove into the ocean, and started swimming away, so she wouldn’t get arrested.”
Both videos – one showing the Surfline cam (above); one showing the scene from the sand (below) – come from Shacked Mag. They captioned the latter:
“A police chase ends in the ocean by the Venice Pier. A Lady, along with her dog, drove her BMW across the sand into the surf, then ditched the vehicle and her dog and attempted to swim to freedom. Word in the parking lot this morning is that she ran through a DUI checkpoint, and that started the hot pursuit. Also, there appeared to be 2 dogs in the vehicle.”
Per a report from KTLA, the woman swam a decent distance out to sea in her attempt to flee authorities. But a Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department boat eventually stopped her, tossed her a flotation device, and finally ended the chase.
By Monday morning, the vehicle was towed out of the surf.
Only in LA…
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