A beloved member of the British Columbia surf community has tragically passed away.
Matthew Jackson, a surfer and physiotherapist, died on November 13 surfing in Tofino three days after his birthday. He was 58 years old.
According to reports, Jackson died suddenly during a surf session with his daughter and fiancé, “but the circumstances of his death are not clear.”
The Times Colonist published the story above today and captioned the post:
“Victoria physiotherapist dies while surfing near Tofino
“Matthew Jackson was just three days past his 58th birthday when he died near Long Beach.”
It is still unknown exactly how Jackson died during his last surf session.
According to his obituary:
“He died suddenly in the ocean off a place that he loved, Long Beach, doing a sport he also loved, surfing.”
In the full story, the paper reported:
“Jackson had been surfing with his daughter, Naysa, and fiancee, Wendy Irish, when he died, said Dickinson, but the circumstances of his death are not clear.
“The B.C. Coroners Service said the agency was investigating a surfer’s death near Tofino on Nov. 13, but did not provide any detail on cause, citing privacy.
“Jackson, who was described as an “outgoing and positive” person, known for a big smile and warm personality, was active as a swimmer and surfer, rock climber, hiker, skier and cyclist.
“Jackson is survived by his mother, Barbara; sister Deborah; daughter, Naysa; Naysa’s mother, Dawn Harris; his fiancé, Wendy Irish; his extended family in England and abroad, and a large network of friends.”
Rest in peace, Matthew.
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