Surfers and skaters share a longtime kinship.
Ever since the Dogtown days, surfing and skating have influenced one another, pushed each other, borrowed tricks, and inspired progression, respectively.
But there’s one thing that never really took off – at least on the surfing side: grinds.
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However, that’s not for a lack of trying.
The latest surfer to try a grind – specifically a boardslide – in the water is Ben Gravy, novelty surfing specialist. And well, it didn’t go exactly as planned.
With a floating box, affixed with two PVC pipes, Gravy gives it a go in the video above. And almost immediately, his fins catch. Session, over.
One commenter wrote:
“That’s a rib breaker, that is.”
Maybe next time.
However, it’s not the first time surfers have attempted a skate-inspired grind.
Chris Cote, WSL commentator, gave it a go many years ago for Fuel TV, and it didn’t go very well back then, either. Many wipeouts ensued.
More recently, Julian Wilson was much more successful.
With a box, more akin to one found in a snowboard park, Wilson pulled off a boardslide at URBNSurf’s Melbourne, Australia location.
Captioning the video, URBNSurf wrote:
“Australian professional surfer and Olympian @julian_wilson is no stranger to pushing the limits. Together with @redbullau and @redbull_surfing, Julian built and successfully rode the first skate-style grindrail at @urbnsurf #melbourne in late February. We were stoked to turn our lagoon into Australia’s first floating skatepark, and help Julian bring his dream to life.”
More surf grinds in the future, or just a one-off novelty?
The latter, most likely.
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