Surfers, as we recently reported, are the unsung heroes of the ocean. In fact, as the scientific study concluded, surfers are “largely overlooked guardians of the beach.”
While male and female surfers conduct an average of three rescues in their surfing career, it looks like Aussie surfers might have more exciting and interesting rescues to brag about.
They don’t just rescue other surfers, they come to the aid of naked swimmers, wild wallabies, and in the video below, a distressed kangaroo.
About Regional posted the video above yesterday.
According to the news source, surfer Brendan Riddick was walking up the beach after a surf session at around 1 p.m. when he spotted the kangaroo struggling to keep its head above water.
The “roo” as they’re nicknamed, was about a 100 feet offshore stuck in the surf at a popular swimming spot at Gannet Beach in Bawley Point.
Riddick “leapt into action” and dragged the “distressed kangaroo from pounding waves.”
He was till wearing his wetsuit and had his surfboard in tow as he swam out to the kangaroo and managed to pull it into the shallows before dragging it up the beach by its tail, About Regional reported.
Riddick said:
“It looked like it was swimming ok in the calm rock pool area, but then it started drifting out into the current and was getting taken out to the point. I thought, geez, if I don’t go in there, that poor thing is going to drown.”
According to Bush Heritage Australia, Kangaroos are “good swimmers” who swim to dodge predators and can use their forepaws to drown them.
Knowing that, we’re guessing this roo must’ve been stuck in a strong rip.
Nice work, Brandon. We applaud you.
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