Ben Gravy, weird wave connoisseur and soft top extraordinaire, has been everywhere.
He’s surfed seven seas in seven days, scored shin-high bombs on Lake Geneva and boat wakes in Germany, and braved Italy’s cave of doom in Italy.
But Gravy’s latest vlogs have focused on one location longer than he normally does while he navigates fickle surf conditions and shallow, razor-sharp reefs on an unnamed Caribbean island.
Related: Clip: A Surfer and a Pod of Dolphins Share a Glassy Wave in Australia
Captioning his latest edit above, Gravy wrote:
“This moment is historic for me. To find a wave, over dry reef & not know if we’re able to surf it.
“I waited years to see it come together & I can’t believe what we witnessed here this week. Thank you everyone for supporting my dream. The feeling of moving forward with an outside of the box dream and career is priceless. FOR THE DREAM!”
Opening the edit, Gravy speaks from behind the camera reflecting on his time in the Caribbean, waiting, hunting for good surf.
“I’ve been visiting this place for a while, and it has a lot to give,” he says. “It’s one of the very few places I know of where only a handful of people can actually somewhat forecast the surf.”
Gravy gets deep, as time alone on a secluded island will do to a person, and says that when traveling, he usually prefers to spend his money, time, and effort “on a sure thing.”
“But that’s not really what surfing is about. Nothing feels better than taking a chance because just maybe, it’ll pay off,” he says.
Press play above to see if it does.
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