June through August is brutal on the east coast.
Triple digit heat. Humidity. Mosquitoes.
Worst of all, lake Atlantic is in full effect. Unless there’s a little trade swell or tropical activity, it can be flat for weeks (and months) at a time.
Come September, hurricane season kicks into gear, and the Atlantic ocean does a 180. Especially this year. From labor day weekend through to early October, a named storm was constantly and consistently lighting up the eastern seaboard. Literally everywhere from Maine to Miami (as well as Canada and the Caribbean) was firing, attracting surfers from all over America and abroad.
In “Hurricane Alley”, you’ll see why.
“After 48 consecutive days of tropical activity, the Western Atlantic is finally transitioning into a more recognizable autumnal pattern of shorter days, darker hues and cooler temps,” writes the crew at Surfline. “But before we break out the booties and cold-water wax, let us reminisce on this abnormally pumping (if not best-ever) Atlantic Hurricane Season as captured by dozens of videographers scattered throughout the U.S. East Coast and Caribbean Islands. Starring Franklin, Idalia, Lee, Nigel, Ophelia and Philippe. Featuring just about everyone. Shot on location in Nova Scotia, New England, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Barbados, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. And brought to you by your friends at Surfline.
Click play above to see why September is the best month of the year on the east coast.
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