Surfing fights over issues like drop ins and wave snaking are usually dealt with between the surfers involved and remain outside of the law.
Someone drop in on a local? Well, they probably yelled at the wave snatcher and sent them in, “or else.” Or, sometimes that “or else” was the first response, and the offender got punched or their board broken.
Nowadays, it’s caught on video. Like the guy who used his board to knock out another surfer during a recent altercation on the beach. And let’s not forget about the surfers who managed to fight mid-surf and mid-wave for our viewing pleasure.
Yesterday, KookSlams shared the video above from Shanghai Observed which captioned it:
“This happened in Shenzhen in 2016. Surfing was banned on beaches within Shenzhen.
“It was banned because it became too dangerous for swimmers and surfers to be in the same spot.
“The surfer broke the rules and the cops punished him for it by sawing off a chunk of his surfboard”
In the video, a surfer comes out of the water and uniformed men immediately try to take his board.
The surfer tries to hold onto the board and even tries to grab a saw that’s pointed at him.
But he gives in and watches a security guard cut a huge chunk out of the rail as another one takes his leash off of his ankle.
According to this story in the “South China Morning Post,” the “cops” are actually beach security officers. They reportedly chopped up the surfboard after a swimmer complained about getting hit by the board, but was not seriously injured.
According to this story from a Chinese news source:
“In total, three surfboards were damaged for a total of 3 thousand yuan ($450). This order was given to them by the administration of the company that manages the beach.”
Both stories said that beach management banned all surfing activities following the incident. Eventually, the ban was stopped, surfing resumed, and the management paid for the damage.
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