Have you scored it yet? The session of your life?
A day when all of the elements aligned: Perfect waves, warm weather, just your friends around. Tubes so crystal blue and razor edged they nearly look fake.
If you answered no, don’t worry, you’re in the majority. Most will surf their entire lives in search of a day like this one at HTs.
While filming for his Stab Edit of the Year, “Melting Mind”, Quivront trusted good friend Leo Fioravanti when Fioravanti told him to drop everything and meet him in Indonesia.
What the pair found was even better than forecasted: 6- to- 8 foot roll-ins at HTs, so perfect in appearance it’s easy to forget how scary they actually are. Contrary to what you might think, days like this are rare. They happen once, maybe twice, in a season. And sometimes not at all. It’s what makes them so wildly special.
While 8-foot HTs might not be what you’re searching for, whatever it is, rest easy knowing it’s still out there.
Just keep surfing.
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