Yesterday we reported that 11-time world champ Kelly Slater took to Instagram to announce the first look at his new wave pool, Surf Abu Dhabi.
A clip released on Surf Abu Dhabi’s new Instagram profiled showed Slater shredding a perfect wave at the pool, which is reportedly home to the “world’s longest ride, biggest barrel, and largest man-made wave pool.”
The wave pool is powered by the Kelly Slater Wave Company, the same technology behind Slater’s Surf Ranch in Lemoore, California. It was developed by Modon Properties and is located on Hudayriyat Island.
In the new clip above released just moments ago, current world champ Filipe Toledo is surfing the wave pool.
Toledo captioned the clip:
“Believe or not I found a wave in @surfabudhabi ! And it’s incredible! Thanks for having me here and for the hospitality @kswaveco @kellyslater // Acredite se quiser, mas achamos uma onda em Abu Dhabi! Obrigado @surfabudhabi e @kswaveco por tudo! Está sendo incrível e promete muito! #surfAbudhabi #byModon #findyourwave #hudayriyaltisland @baronisfilms @phizzlestudio @bqueridow“
Slater replied:
“So stoked you guys came to surf. Thanks man. Means a lot to me personally and it’s always good to see you shredding like a remote controlled surfer!”
Toledo responded:
“@kellyslater so much respect for you! thanks for the invite brotha. it was one of the sickest experiences”
Yesterday, both Toledo and Slater dropped clues they were hanging at the wave pool by posting photos themselves with former world champ Gabriel Medina.
According to a press release, Surf Abu Dhabi is set to open by the end of 2023
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